How it works

Let us do the hard work for you. List your vehicle and access our trusted network of licensed buyers. Get a competitive trade in offer from the comfort of your home.

Sell your car fast in a few simple steps

Quick. Simple. Easy. Theres no obligation to list your vehicle and no fee if theres no sale.
Cartoon woman in a green shirt logging in on a phone.

Enter your car details

Provide your vehicle information (including photos if available). See tips for taking great photos.

Cartoon woman with white skin with a green shirt on a green computer.

Vehicle listing

A friendly team member is available for support and will contact you before listing. 

Cartoon man with white skin in a green shirt with a tablet than has a car on it.

Receive best price offer

Over 1000 trusted dealers compete to buy your car. We then respond with the best price offer.

Cartoon woman with brown skin in a green shirt on a phone with a speech box saying "Exciting News".

Get cash quickly

Accept the offer and pay the success fee. Arrange free pick-up and get paid fast.

  • Sell your car fast

    Genuine offers can be received within hours of listing with quick payment. No roadworthy required.

  • Get the best price

    Access more than 1000 serious licensed buyers ready to buy now. Stress free, we handle the negotiations. 

  • Hassle-free experience

    Simple contactless online process and local customer support. Sell from the comfort of your home.

  • Safe & secure

    Avoid scammers and strangers visiting your home. Trusted licensed buyers only.

  • Free to list

    No deal, no fee, and no hidden advertising costs. And if there’s no sale, you won’t pay anything.

How does AutoFlip measure up against other car selling methods?

Take a look at this helpful guide to see if AutoFlip is the right fit for your car selling needs.

A man looking at his phone in front of a white car

List your car today, and let us look after the rest.

Transparent fee no hidden costs

Using AutoFlip means no surprises.

AutoFlip is committed to successfully selling your vehicle. So much so, that if there’s no sale, there’s no fee. You won’t pay anything. However, if you successfully sell your car, there is a success fee which is a small % of the sale price.  

With AutoFlip, there’s:

Sell your car fast with AutoFlip.

Lots of happy customers

Don’t take our word for it. Check out what our customers have to say.

Front view of four parked cars in a row with colours black, grey, red, grey from left to right.

Are you a dealer, fleet manager or enterprise?

Visit For Dealers or For Enterprise to learn more about how AutoFlip can assist your business in buying and selling vehicles.